What's New at Vande Hey Company

Handling a Wetter-Than-Normal Summer: Tips for Your Lawn and Garden

As we navigate an unusually wet summer season, you may have noticed some changes in your lawn and garden. The excessive rain has significantly impacted lawn and plant health, leading to increased weed growth, causing a surge in fungal issues, and challenges with soil drainage. Fortunately, many of these issues can be resolved with simple Read more…

Protecting Wisconsin’s Trees: Common Pests and Diseases to Watch For

This winter, we had the exciting opportunity to bring Fox Valley Tree Care into our Vande Hey Company family. Along with the expansion of our services to include tree care and removal, we are thrilled to bring in a team of highly skilled arborists and green industry professionals. With that, we look forward to sharing Read more…

Fall Landscaping for Spring Beauty

“Autumn is here! With plenty of beautiful fall days still ahead, now’s the perfect time to tackle a few simple tasks that will boost your backyard and patio landscaping for the seasons to come. In fact, fall is a critical season for yard maintenance, setting the foundation for a lush, vibrant landscape in the spring. Read more…

5 Common Questions from Spring Gardeners

The snow has finally melted, those first few signs of growth are peeking out of the planting beds, and the sun is warming up a little more with each passing day. Many of us are starting back in on lawn and landscape care, hoping to nip last year’s problems in the bud, and setting sights Read more…

7 Garden Trends for 2022

The sun is warming, the birds are singing, and each day is a step closer to the long-awaited spring! If you’re already planning out your vegetable garden, dreaming of bright bursts of colorful annuals, and eager to get your hands back in the soil, you aren’t alone. Now is the perfect time for planning, though, Read more…

To Cut or Not to Cut: Tips on Fall Trimming, Pruning and Cleanup

To cut down, or not to cut down? Now that fall has arrived, many gardeners find themselves wondering whether they should cut back their perennials and seasonal plantings now or wait until spring. For most perennials, the answer depends on what you want from your landscape during the winter months. If your concept of the Read more…

The Buzz About Pollinators

Summer is in full swing, the gardens are full of luscious plants and beautiful blooms, and you probably have seen a wealth of insects, birds, and butterflies buzzing around your yard and beds. These small creatures, also known as pollinators, play a crucial role in plant reproduction and sustaining our ecosystems. In fact, 75% – Read more…

Common Fungal Issues in Early Summer

Early summer brings with it the excitement of watching your beds bloom, your vegetables sprout up, and your trees blossom. But the unwelcomed presence of fungus can put a damper on your yard, affecting your garden’s yield, damaging foliage, and inhibiting growth. The good news is that most fungal problems can be solved and prevented Read more…

Cool Weather Blooms to Brighten Your Home!

We’ve reached that unique time of year when the sun begins to warm our daytime hours, but the ground is still cool and the nights downright frosty (literally). And chances are, your beautiful winter container arrangements are beginning to look…. well… a little crispy. Its the time of year that makes us all eager for Read more…